**dependence syndrome (F1x.2)** --- **依存症候群 (F1x.2)** A cluster of behavioural, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that may develop after repeated substance use. Typically, these phenomena include a strong desire to take the drug, **impaired control** over its use, persistent use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug use than to other activities and obligations, increased **tolerance**, and a physical **withdrawal** reaction when drug use is discontinued. In ICD-10, the diagnosis of dependence syndrome is made if three or more of six specified criteria were experienced within a year . The dependence syndrome may relate to a specific substance (e.g. tobacco, **alcohol**, or **diazepam**), a class of substances (e.g. **opioids**), or a wider range of pharmacologically different substances.\\ **//See also//**: addiction; alcoholism; dependence; substance use disorders ---- 物質を繰り返し使用した後に発現する行動、認知、生理学的な症状群である。典型的には、薬物を摂取したいという強い欲望、その使用の**[[control, impaired|コントロールの減弱]]**、有害な結果があるにも関わらず使用を続ける、他の活動や責務よりも薬物を使用することへの高い優先度、増大した**[[tolerance]]**、薬物使用を中断した際の**[[withdrawal syndrome|離脱]]**反応といった症状が含まれる。ICD-10では、6つの診断項目のうち1年以内に3つが見られる場合に、依存症候群と診断される。依存症候群は特定の物質(例:タバコ、**[[alcohol]]**、**[[diazepam]]**)、特定の種類(例:**[[opioid]]**)、あるいは薬理学的に多様な物質と関係しうる。\\ **参照**:[[addiction]]、[[alcoholism]]、[[dependence]]、物質使用障害(substance use disorders) WHO (1994)//((WHO (1994), //Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms//. Geneva: World Health Organization ->//[[http://www.who.int/substance_abuse/terminology/who_ladt/en/|Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms]]// (WHO) )), p.29\\ ->//[[http://www.who.int/substance_abuse/terminology/who_ladt/en/|Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms]] (WHO)