
WHO, Manual of the international statistical classification of disease, injuries, and causes of death. Based on the recommendations of the eighth revision conference, 1965, and adopted by the Nineteenth World Health Assembly, WHO, 1965, iris. Volume 1 PDF

List of Three-digit Categories (Detailed List)

V. Mental Disorders

Neuroses, personality disorders and other Don-psychotic mental disorders (3OO-309)
 300 Neuroses
 301 Personality disorders
 302 Sexual deviation
 303 Alcoholism
 304 Drug dependence

Tabular List of Inclusions and Four-digit Subcategories

V. Mental, Psychoneurotic, and Personality Disorders

303 Alcoholism
Excludes: alcoholic psychosis (291)
 acute poisoning by alcohol (E860, N980)
 when associated with physical conditions (309)

 303.0 Episodic excessive drinking
  Periodic drinking bouts

 303.1 Habitual excessive drinking
  Continual drinking to excess

 303.2 Alcoholic addiction
  Chronic alcoholism
  Chronic ethylism

 303.9 Other and unspecified alcoholism
  Alcoholism (acute) NOS Ethylism (acute) NOS

304 Drug dependence
For drug dependence on specific substances under 304.0-304.9 see Alphabetical Index

Includes: addiction to, dependence to, chronic poisonin by the substances indicated in categories 304.0-304.9
Excludes: psychosis associated with drug dependence (294.3)
 when associated with physical conditions (309)

 304.0 Opium, opium alkaloids and their derivatilles
 304.1 Synthetic analgesics with morphine-like effects
 304.2 Barbiturates
 304.3 Other hypnotics and sedatives or tranquilizers
 304.4 Cocaine
 304.5 Cannabis sativa
 304.6 Other psycho-stimulants
 304.7 Hallucinogenics
 304.8 Other
 304.9 Unspecified
  Unspecified drug
  Includes: drug:
    addiction NOS
    dependence NOS

303 アルコホリズム
除外する: アルコール精神病 (291)
 急性アルコール中毒 (E860, N980)
  身体的状態を伴うもの (309)

 303.0 挿間的な大量飲酒

 303.1 習慣的な大量飲酒

 303.9 その他あるいは特定不能のアルコホリズム
  アルコホリズム(急性)NOS エチリズム(急性)NOS

304 薬物依存

除外する: 薬物依存に伴う精神病 (294.3)
  身体的状態を伴うもの (309)

 304.0 アヘン、アヘン・アルカロイドおよびその派生物
 304.1 モルヒネ様の効果を持つ合成鎮痛薬
 304.2 バルビツレート
 304.3 その他の催眠剤・鎮静剤・精神安定剤
 304.4 コカイン
 304.5 大麻
 304.6 他の精神刺激薬
 304.7 幻覚剤
 304.8 その他
 304.9 特定不能
  含める: 薬物:
       嗜癖 NOS
       依存 NOS

