- 字句的
cross-dependence — クロス依存
A pharmacological term used to denote the capacity of one substance (or class of substances) to suppress the manifestations of withdrawal from another substance or class and thereby maintain the physically dependent state. Note that “dependence” is normally used here in the narrower psychopharmacological sense associated with suppression of withdrawal symptoms.
A consequence of the phenomenon of cross-dependence is that dependence on a substance is more likely to develop if the individual is already dependent on a related substance. For example, dependence on a benzodiazepine develops more readily in individuals already dependent on another drug of this type or on other substances with sedating effects such as alcohol and barbiturates.
See also: cross-tolerance; detoxification
参照: クロス耐性; detoxification WHO (1994)1), pp.26-27
→Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)