






Jellinek's typologyジェリネックの類型学

Jellinek's classification of alcoholism, as outlined in The disease concept of alcoholism (1960).1

  • alpha alcoholism—characterized by psychological dependence, with no progression to physiological dependence; also called problem drinking, escape drinking.
  • beta alcoholism—characterized by physical complications involving one or more organ systems, with a general undermining of health and shortened life span.
  • gamma alcoholism—characterized by increasing tolerance, loss of control, and precipitation of a withdrawal syndrome on cessation of alcohol intake; also called “Anglo-Saxon” alcoholism.
  • delta alcoholism—characterized by increasing tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, and inability to abstain, but not loss of control of the amount of intake on any occasion. (See alcoholization.)
  • epsilon alcoholism—paroxysmal or periodic drinking, binge drinking; sometimes referred to as dipsomaia.


  • α型アルコール症—精神的依存によって特徴づけられるが、生理学的依存に進行性は見られない。問題飲酒(problem drinking)、逃避型飲酒(escape drinking)とも呼ばれる。
  • β型アルコール症—ひとつあるいは複数の臓器の身体的合併症、全般的な健康の衰えと寿命の短縮によって特徴づけられる。
  • γ型アルコール症耐性の増大、コントロールの喪失、アルコール摂取を中断した際の離脱症状の出現によって特徴づけられる。アングロサクソン型アルコール症とも。
  • ε型アルコール症—一過性あるいは周期性の大量飲酒(binge drinking)。時に渇酒症(dipsomaia)と呼ばれる。

1. Jellinek EM. The disease concept of alcoholism. New Haven, CT, Hillhouse, 1960. WHO (1994)1), p.43-44
Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)

WHO (1994), Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms. Geneva: World Health Organization →Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)
lexicon/jellinek_s_typology.txt · 最終更新: 2024/04/28 by ragi