- 字句的
withdrawal syndrome (F1x.3) — 離脱症候群 (F1x.3)
A group of symptoms of variable clustering and degree of severity which occur on cessation or reduction of use of a psychoactive substance that has been taken repeatedly, usually for a prolonged period and/or in high doses. The syndrome may be accompanied by signs of physiological disturbance.
A withdrawal syndrome is one of the indicators of a dependence syndrome. It is also the defining characteristic of the narrower psychopharmacological meaning of dependence.
The onset and course of the withdrawal syndrome are time-limited and are related to the type of substance and dose being taken immediately before cessation or reduction of use. Typically, the features of a withdrawal syndrome are the opposite of those of acute intoxication.
The alcohol withdrawal syndrome is characterized by tremor, sweating, anxiety, agitation, depression, nausea, and malaise. It occurs 6-48 hours after cessation of alcohol consumption and, when uncomplicated, abates after 2-5 days. It may be complicated by grand mal seizures and may progress to delirium (known as delirium tremens).
Sedative withdrawal syndromes have many features in common with alcohol withdrawal, but may also include muscle aches and twitches, perceptual distortions, and distortions of body image.
Opioid withdrawal is accompanied by rhinorrhoea (running nose), lacrimation (excessive tear formation), aching muscles, chills, gooseflesh, and, after 24-48 hours, muscle and abdominal cramps. Drug-seeking behaviour is prominent and continues after the physical symptoms have abated.
Stimulant withdrawal (the “crash”) is less well defined than syndromes of withdrawal from central nervous system depressant substances; depression is prominent and is accompanied by malaise, inertia, and instability.
See also: hangover
Synonyms: abstinence syndrome; withdrawal reaction; withdrawal state
参照: 二日酔い
同義語: 禁断症候群; 離脱反応; 離脱状態 WHO (1994)1), p.64
→Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)