**intoxication, pathological(F10.07)** --- **病的中毒(F10.07)** A syndrome characterized by extreme excitement with aggressive and violent features and, frequently ideas of persecution, after consumption of disproportionately little alcohol. It lasts for several hours and terminates with the patient falling asleep. There is usually complete **amnesia** for the episode. A controversial entity primarily used in a forensic context.\\ //**See also:**// intoxication\\ //**Synonym:**// idiopathic intoxication ---- 不釣り合いなほどの少量のアルコール摂取による、攻撃性と暴力性、そしてしばしば被害的意識を伴った、激しい興奮を特徴とする症候群。これは数時間継続し、患者が眠りに落ちることで終結する。通常、このエピソードについて完全な**[[ amnesia]]**が起こる。その実体は主に法医学の文脈において議論の対象となっている。\\ //**参照:**// [[intoxication]]\\ //**同義語:**// [[idiopathic intoxication]] WHO (1994)//((WHO (1994), //Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms//. Geneva: World Health Organization ->//[[https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9241544686|Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms]]// (WHO) )), p.43\\ ->//[[https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9241544686|Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms]] (WHO)