





40Q - What do the Three Legacies of AA represent?


40A - The three legacies of AA - recovery, unity and service - in a sense represent three impossibilities, impossibilities that we know became possible, and possibilities that have now borne this unbelievable fruit. Old Fitz Mayo, one of the early AA's and I visited the Surgeon General of the United States in the third year of this society and told him of our beginnings. He was a gentle man, Dr. Lawrence Kolb, and has since become a great friend of AA. He said, “I wish you well. Even the sobriety of a few is almost a miracle. The government knows that this is one of the greatest health problems but we have considered the recovery of alcoholics so impossible that we have given up and have instead concluded that rehabilitation of narcotic addicts would be the easier job to tackle.”


Such was the devastating impossibility of our situation. Now, what has been brought to bear upon this impossibility that it has become possible? First, the grace of Him who presides over all of us. Next, the cruel lash of John Barleycorn who said. “This you must do, or die.” Next, the intervention of God through friends, at first a few and now legion! who opened to us, who in the early days were uncommitted, the whole field of human ideas, morality and religion, from which we could choose.

私たちが置かれていたのはそれほどまでに徹底的に破滅的な状況でした。今やこの不可能は可能になりましたが、それをもたらしたのは何だったのでしょうか? 一つは、神の恩寵が私たちを統括してくれたことです。次に、ジョン・バーリコーンが「これに取り組むか、死ぬかだ」と言って無慈悲に私たちを鞭打ったことです。さらには、最初は僅かの、今や数多くの友人たちを通じて神が介入して下さったことです。友人たちが私たちに提供してくれたものの中から――最初の頃からあらゆる組織、倫理的にも宗教的にも、人間の知識のあらゆる領域の人たちがおり、私たちはその中から選ぶことができました。

These have been the wellsprings of the forces and ideas and emotions and spirit which were first fused into our Twelve Steps for recovery. Some of us act well, but no sooner had a few got sober than the old forces began to come into play in us rather frail people. They were fearsome, the old forces, the drive for money, acclaim, prestige.


Would these forces tear us apart? Besides, we came from every walk of life. Early, we had begun to be a cross-section of all men and women, all differently conditioned, all so different and yet happily so alike in our kinship of suffering. Could we hold in unity? To those few who remain who lived in those earlier times when the Traditions were being forged in the school of hard experience on its thousands of anvils, we had our very, very dark moments.

そうした力によって私たちは引き裂かれてしまうのでしょうか? おまけに、私たちにはあらゆる職業の人がいました。ありとあらゆる男女の寄せ集めでした。置かれた状況もそれぞれ違っていました。幸いなことに私たちには共通の苦しみがありましたが、あらゆる面で違っていました。そんな私たちが結束していけるのでしょうか? 初期の頃から残っている数少ない者たちにとって、多くの鉄床における辛い経験を通じて「伝統」が鋳造されていったあの時期は、とても辛いものでした。

It was sure recovery was in sight, but how could there be recovery for many? Or how could recovery endure if we were to fall into controversy and so into dissolution and decay?

回復があることは分かっていました。ですが、多くの人が回復するにはどうすればいいのか? または、もし私たちが論争の挙げ句に分裂し衰退するようになったとしても、どうすれば回復はそれに耐えることができるのか?

Well, the spirit of the Twelve Steps which have brought us release from one of the grimmest obsessions known – obviously, this spirit and these principles of retaining grace had to be the fundamentals of our unity. But in order to become fundamental to our unity, these principles had to be spelled out as they applied to the most prominent and the most grievous of our problems.


So, out of experience came the need to apply the spirit of our steps to our lives of working and living together. These were the forces that generated the Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.


But, we had to have more than cohesion. Even for survival, we had to carry the message and we had to function. In fact, that had become evident in the Twelve Steps themselves for the last one enjoins us to carry the message. But just how would we carry this message? How would we communicate, we few, with those myriad's who still don't know? And how would this communication be handled? How could we do these things. How could we authorize these things in such a way that in this new, hot focus of effort and ego that we would not again be shattered by the forces that had once ruined our lives?

しかし、私たちは団結すればよいだけではありませんでした。生き残るためだけであっても、私たちはメッセージを運び、機能していかなければなりませんでした。なによりも、12のステップの最後の一つがメッセージを運ぶように私たちに命じているのは明らかでした。しかし、いったいどのようにこのメッセージを運んだら良いのでしょうか? 少数だった私たちが、これをまだ知らない無数の人たちに伝えるには、どうやればいいのか? そうしたメッセージの伝達をどう制御して、どう実現していったらいいのか? かつて私たちの生活を破壊したエゴの力が、この新しいホットな努力の焦点を、再び打ち砕かいてしまわないようにするには、どうやってそれに承認を与えていけば良いのか。

This was the problem of the Third Legacy. From the vital Twelfth Step call right up through our society to its culmination today. And, again, many of us said: “This can't be done. It's all very well for Bill and Bob and a few friends to set up a Board of Trustees and to provide us with some literature, and look after our public relations and do all of those chores for us that we can't do for ourselves. This is fine, but we can't go any further than that. This is a job for our elders, for our parents. In this direction only, can there be simplicity and security.


And then came the day when it was seen that the parents were both fallible and perishable and Dr. Bob's hour struck and we suddenly realized that this ganglion, this vital nerve center of World Service, would lose its sensation the day the communication between an increasingly unknown Board of Trustees and you was broken. Fresh links would have to be forged. And at that time many of us said: This is impossible, this is too hard. Even in transacting the simplest business, providing the simplest of services, raising the minimum amounts of money, these excitements to us, in this society so bent on survival have been almost too much locally. Look at our club brawls. My God, if we have elections countrywide and Delegates come down here and look at the complexity - thousands of group representatives, hundreds of committeemen, scores of Delegates - my God, when these descend on our parents, the Trustees, what is going to happen then? It won't be simplicity: it can't be. Our experience has spelled it out.

そして、両親はいつか死ぬものであり、いつまでも生きてはいないことが分かる日がやってきました。ドクター・ボブのその時が突然やってきて、私たちに不可欠なこの神経節——つまりワールド・サービスの神経中枢がその知覚を失いかねないこと、ますます存在を知られなくなっていく常任理事会と皆さんをつなぐコミュニケーションが途切れてしまう日が来るのだと分かりました。新しいリンクを構築しなくてはなりませんでした。ところがその時でも、私たちの多くがこう言いました。「そんなことは無理だ、難しすぎる。それぞれの地元で生き残ろうと躍起になっている私たちのグループでは、ごく単純な仕事をすることでも、ごく単純なサービスを提供することでも、最小限の資金を集めることでさえも、私たちに過剰な興奮をもたらしました。クラブでの口論を見てください。おお神さま。もしそんな私たちが全国で選挙を行い、評議員がここに集まって、この複雑さを見たとしたら――何千というグループの代議員、何百人もの委員、何十人もの評議員、おお神さま、その人たちが私たちの両親である常任理事会に襲いかかったら、どんなことが起こるでしょう? そんなやり方は単純とは言えません。私たちのこれまでの経験がそう示しています」と。

But there was the imperative, the must, and why was there an imperative? Because we had better have some confusion, some politicking, than to have utter collapse of this center.

しかし、そこには緊急性がありました。必要性がありました。なぜ緊急性があったのでしょうか? それはこのセンターを完全に崩壊させるよりも、多少の混乱や政治があるようがまだ良かったからです。

That was the alternative and that was the uncertain and tenuous ground on which the General Service Conference was called into being.


I venture, in the minds of many and sometimes in mine that the Conference could be symbolized by a great prayer and a faint hope. This was the state of affairs in 1945 to 1950. Then came the day when some of us went up to Boston to watch an assembly elect by two-thirds vote or lot a Delegate. Prior to assembly, I consulted all the local politicos and those very wise Irishmen in Boston said, “We're going to make your prediction Bill, you know us temperamentally, but we're going to say that this thing is going to work.” That was the biggest piece of news and one of the mightiest assurances that I had up to this time that there could be any survival for these services.

敢えて言うならば、多くの人にとって、時に私の心の中でも、この評議会は大きな祈りとかすかな希望の象徴でした。これが1945年から1950年までの状況でした。やがてその日がやってきて、私たちの何人かはボストンに行き、集会が三分の二の投票あるいは抽選で評議員を選出するのを見守りました。この集会に先立って、私は地元の政治家たちに相談しました。彼ら懸命なボストンのアイルランド人たちは、こう言いました。「ビル、未来を予測してみよう。君は私たちの気質をよく分かっている。だから、これはきっとうまくいくよ」 これは最大のニュースであり、これらのサービス活動が存続することを、かつてそこまで強く断言されたことはありませんでした。

Well, work it has and we have survived another impossibility. Not only have we survived the impossibility, we have so far transcended it that there can be no return in future years to the old uncertainties, come what perils there may.


Now, as we have seen in this quick review, the spirit of the Twelve Steps was applied in specific terms to our problems of living and working together. This developed the Twelve Traditions. In turn, the Twelve Traditions were applied to this problem of functioning at world levels in harmony and unity. (10th GSC, April, 1960)


recovery/letsaskbillw/40.txt · 最終更新: 2021/06/08 by ひいらぎ